SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2658186 - Warning Message Appears When Trying to Release Production Order Although Input Products Identified Stock is valid and has Sufficient Stock


You are trying to release a Production Order, but the system showing some warning messages although Input Products have sufficient stock available.


SAP Business By Design

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to Production Control Work Center.
  2. Navigate to Production Orders View.
  3. Search for relevant Production Order.
  4. Click the Release button.
  5. The system displays warning messages as mentioned below:
    • -----> Determination of source inventory failed for product XYZ (XYZ represents the Product ID).
    • ------>Inventory in logistics area not available.


If you check the planning details of the relevant input product, you can see that the available stock is already soft allocated to other demands and hence no enough stock for the new order.

Please follow the below steps to Check the Planning Details of the relevant Product:

  1. Navigate to Supply Planning Work Center.
  2. Navigate to Products View.
  3. Find and select the relevant Product.
  4. Click the Open button.
  5. You can see all Demands listed in the Supply and Demand table.


Please increase the stock of the input product to resolve the issue.


Determination of source inventory failed for product, Inventory in logistics area not available. , KBA , determination of source inventory failed , inventory in logistics area not availabl , AP-PE-ORD , Production Order , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions