SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2658332 - Mandatory fields error for dependents in rehire section - Employee Central.


The following error appear when rehiring an employee that already have a dependent filled: Mandatory fields are enabled for dependents and they cannot be Ieft blank. For each dependent, please navigate to details and fill mandatory fields.


  • SAP SuccessFactors - Employee Central
  • Dependents

Reproducing the Issue

Rehire an employee:

  1. Go to Manage Pending Hires
  2. Hire an employee
  3. Press "Continue" until Dependet Portlet.
  4. When clicking in the "Continue" to go to Compensation the error appears.


A feature in Company System and Logo Settings exist to validate fields within "Detalis" section for depents.


To avoid this message, please follow these steps:

  1. In Admin Center.
  2. Search for Company System and Logo Settings.
  3. Find the "Enable validations for mandatory fields in the Dependent’s details section" field.
  4. Disable this field.
  5. Save.


Employee Central, Dependent, Mandatory Fields, SuccessFactors , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-DPD , Dependents Management , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions