You would like to perform Replenishment for a Product and Identified Stock which does not have available quantity in your system. However, you cannot enter the Identified Stock in the Replenishment, the field is grayed out.
SAP Business ByDesign.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Internal Logistics work center.
- Select the New Replenishment common task.
- Click Go.
- Select Add Row.
- Enter the relevant Site, Logistics Area, Product and Quantity.
The Identified Stock is not editable.
For a product that you do not have in stock, you cannot enter the Identified Stock in the Replenishment.
You can enter the Identified Stock in the Replenish Task by following the steps:
- Go to the Internal Logistics work center.
- Select the Task Control view.
- Search for the Replenish Task XXX generated.
- Select the Replenish Task XXX.
- Click Confirm.
Here you can enter the Identified Stock ID you want.
XXX = Task ID.
IStock ; Replenishment , KBA , istock , replenishment , SCM-EWM-WOP-REP , Replenishment , How To