In SAPGUI 7.50, in SAP GUI Options -> "Visual Design" -> "Theme Preview/Settings",
if the user checks the "Accept Belize theme" option, SAP Belize theme(Fiori theme) will be used in SAPGUI.
But the end user can uncheck it manually.
So in order to restrict all users to use the SAP Belize theme(Fiori theme) in SAPGUI 7.50,
we need to set the "Theme Preview/Settings" option to read only,
so that the user will not be able to change the "Theme Preview/Settings" setting manually,
and other options in SAP GUI Options will remain editable.
SAP GUI for Windows 7.50
SAP GUI for Windows; SAPGUI; SAP GUI; Accept SAP Fiori visual theme; Accept Belize theme; read only; readonly; grayed out; greyed out. , KBA , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , How To
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