SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2659906 - System dumps on opening Exceptions Tab or Accepting Price Variance Exception in Supplier Invoice


System thorws a dump while opening the Exception tab or Accept the Price variance exception is clicked in the Supplier Invoice


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Supplier Invoicing work center
  2. Go to Invoices and Credit Memos view
  3. Search for respective Supplier invoice
  4. Select it and click on Edit
  5. Go to Exceptions tab ( You may get Dump here  itself)
  6. Select the Exception of type Price Variance in status In Process
  7. Click on Actions and choose Accept
  8. System throws a dumps here


Dump is due to Permanent establishment not being determined.

Note: Permanent establishment is a fixed place of business which generally gives rise to income or value-added tax liability in a particular jurisdiction.


In order to determine permanent establishment,we need the Ship To information to be maintained in Supplier invoice

  1. Go to Supplier invoicing work center
  2. Go to Invoices and Credit memos view
  3. Search for Respective Supplier invoice
  4. Select it and click on Edit
  5. Go to General tab 
  6. Go to Parties and Locations tab
  7. Maintain the Ship To location

Note: If the invoice has third party items, where you have maintained the customer in the Purchase Order item under Delivery tab. In this case Ship To can be left blank.

See Also

Our Product management has added this to their back log so this issue will be addressed in one of the future releases.


SRMAP/CL_SIV_PAF_MAP_TO_EXT==CM003, unexpected eror while accepting exception, Supplier invoice Dump in Exceptions tab, Unable to accept exceptions, dump in exceptions tab, supplier invoice dump , KBA , AP-SIP-SIV , Supplier Invoice , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions