One or more of the following problems are happening:
- Customer is unable to run an application on Cloud Foundry.
- There is no organization memory and route quota assigned to the specific organization in the Cloud Foundry environment.
- Building an application in SAP Web IDE fails with the error:
(Builder) Could not start the build. A general error occurred. - When trying to use the option "Install Builder" from SAP Web IDE, the error is shown:
(Project Space Builder) Builder installation failed: CF-SpaceQuotaTotalRoutesExceeded(310005): You have exceeded the total routes for your space's quota - Assigning quota to the relevant quota plan in Cloud Foundry fails with:
Space quota exceeds org. quota limit
SAP BTP, Cloud Foundry environment
Quota plan, quota, entitlements, application quota, application runtime, org quota, routes quota, routes, memory, cloud foundry, CF, BTP, SAP Cloud Platform, business technology platform, subaccount, memory_in_mb exceeds organization memory quota, memory_in_mb exceeds organization instance memory quota, OrgQuotaTotalRoutesExceeded(310006), You have exceeded the total routes for your organization's quota, Subscription , KBA , BC-NEO-CIS , Commercial Infrastructure , BC-CP-CF , Cloud Foundry , Problem
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