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2660261 - SAPinst fails to start with error in web dispatcher as "SAP Web Dispatcher did not become operational after 120s. Giving up."


  • Error is encountered while running SWPM with option ./sapinst
  • In sapinst_dev.log the error can be seen as : "SAP Web Dispatcher did not become operational after 120s. Giving up"

--> sapinst_dev.log


TRACE      2018-06-21 08:51:40.955 (root/sapinst) (SLPCommunicator) [syuxcuser.cpp:619] PSyGroupImpl CSyUserImpl::getPrimaryGroup()const
account user="root" uid="0" exists with parameter gid="0"

TRACE      2018-06-21 08:51:40.971 (root/sapinst) (SLPCommunicator) [syuxctask.cpp:215] CChildApplicationImpl::doStart()
A child process has been started. Pid = </PID>
INFO       2018-06-21 08:53:40.088 (root/sapinst) (SLPCommunicator) [CWebDispatcherHandlerBase.cpp:236]

SAP Web Dispatcher did not become operational after 120s. Giving up.

INFO       2018-06-21 08:53:40.088 (root/sapinst) (SLPCommunicator) [CSiManagerInterfaces.cpp:3489] CSiManagerInterfaces::cancel()
Received cancel request from GUI

TRACE      2018-06-21 08:53:40.088 (root/sapinst) (SLPCommunicator) [CSiManagerInterfaces.cpp:3500] CSiMangerInterfaces::terminateAndExit()
Terminating with exit code 0

TRACE      2018-06-21 08:53:40.089 (root/sapinst) (eventLoop) [SLPMonitoringStatemachine.cpp:109]
Leaving state Starting

TRACE      2018-06-21 08:53:40.089 (root/sapinst) (eventLoop) [SLPMonitoringStatemachine.cpp:1266]

TRACE      2018-06-21 08:53:40.089 (root/sapinst) (eventLoop) [ActiveObject.cpp:11]
Entering state Canceled




  •  SAP NetWeaver
  •  SWPM 1.0
  •  AIX Operating System


SAP NetWeaver all versions


SAP Web Dispatcher , SLPCommunicator , sapinst_dev.log , SWPM , sapinst , ./sapinst , AIX , JAVA , JAVA_HOME , unset , account user getPrimaryGroup()const , 120 s , GUI , cancel, request , BUTTON_CANCEL_PRESSED , Starting , SAP ,NetWeaver , AIX , TEMP, TMP, TMPDIR , /tmp , environment variable , /TempSWPM , chmod , 777 , AIX 7.2 , /usr/java14_64 , /.sapinst/ directory , / , virtual TCP/IP host names , installer , KBA , BC-INS-FWK , sapinst, slcb, elmbridge, elm replication service , Problem

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