BW archiving fails with following error from NLS IQ side.
IQ Error SQL-1000302:HY000][Sybase IQ] Exceed maximum number of partitions.
(dblib/db_alter.cxx 543)
Exception occurred in line 51 of include CL_SQL_STATEMENT==============CM002 (program CL_SQL_STATEMENT==============CP)
SQLCode = -1,000,302: Exceed maximum number of partitions.
Exception occurred in line 57 of include CL_RSDA_SYB_CONNECTION_IMPL===CM00C (program CL_RSDA_SYB_CONNECTION_IMPL===CP)
General error in Nearline Service (-> long text)
Exception occurred in line 50 of include CL_RSDA_NEARLINE_OBJECT=======CM00T (program CL_RSDA_NEARLINE_OBJECT=======CP)
Lock deleted for request 10,316,189 in mode E
Error in postactivation of straggler
Error in BW
General error in BW archiving (-> see long text)
BW with NLS IQ
"NLS IQ"; "IQ partitions"; "RSDA_SYB_PARTITION_MONITOR"; "Drop Partitions"; "Merge Partitions"; "-1000302"; , KBA , BW-SYS-DB-IQ , BW on HANA with Sybase IQ Near-line Storage , Problem
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