You create a correction invoice for an original customer invoice, but the Tax Due Date is not as expected.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
- Choose the Invoice Documents view.
- Show All Invoice Documents and find the original invoice ABC (ABC represents the original invoice).
- Select Edit and select View All.
- Open the General Tab.
Here you find the Tax Due Date in the Tax Return section as DD/MM/YYYY (DD/MM/YYYY represents the due date in the original invoice).
- Go to the Customer Invoicing work center.
- Choose the Invoice Documents view.
- Show All Invoice Documents and find the correction invoice DEF which was created from the original invoice ABC (DEF represents the correction invoice ID).
- Select Edit and select View All.
- Open the General Tab.
Here you find the Tax Due Date in the Tax Return section not filled and not editable.
- Go to the Tax Management work center.
- Choose the Reports view.
- Open Report All VAT / Sales Tax Items.
- You can see that the Tax Due Date of correction invoice DEF is different than the Tax Due Date of the original invoice ABC.
- If the tax due date is not filled by the user, then the tax due date is determined by the posting date/invoice date. This is based on the tax due date determination settings maintained in our Business Configuration which you can check as follows:
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Select the Overview view.
- Search for Tax Due Date Determination.
- Open the fine tuning activity Tax Due Date Determination.
- You can see if the check box Override Default was checked for the Company (Seller in the Customer Invoice) and the Tax Country (Tax Country in your Customer Invoice).
If you set this indicator, an implicit rule is used for the determination of the tax due date
In case the Override Indicator is active the tax due date is then determined implicitly by another date in the respective business transaction. Thus the tax reconciliation values between the tax register and the tax ledger accounts may differ.
- If you have not specified a Tax Due Date in the Customer Invoicing work center for a customer invoice or a customer credit memo, the system applies the Posting Date as the Tax Due Date.
- If the Posting Date is not maintained in the customer invoice the system will determine the Invoice Date as the Posting Date.
- For the correction invoices, the Tax Due Date is determined in the same way as it is done for any other customer invoice, that is the Tax Due Date is determined from the Posting Date of the documents.
- A correction invoice is a new invoice in itself. Only in the case of a cancellation invoice, that the Tax Due Date will get copied from the original invoice.
Currently the Tax Due Date is not editable in a correction invoice and therefore the Posting Date of the invoice will always be the Tax Due Date. -
Please use the field Posting Date or Invoice Date to determine the Tax Due date value. The tax due date value will get copied from the Posting data value.
The enabling of the Tax Due Date in a correction invoice has been included in our product backlog and will be considered for a future release
See Also
Help Center Document: Tax Due Date of Tax Items
Tax Due Date, Steuerfälligkeitstag, Correction Invoice, Korrekturrechnung, Tax Items, Customer Invoice, Posting Date, Buchungstag, , KBA , AP-CI-CI , Customer Invoice , Problem