本文档包含SAP Gateway 安全设置的SAP Webinar, 时长约1个小时。(2018年 7月26日 中国时间 10点-11点)
- SAP Gateway安全配置基本概念
- Reginfo 参数配置
- Secinfo 参数配置
- 常见问题解决方案及相关SAP Note
- 基于本期Webinar主题的Q&A。
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本期Webinar主题 : SAP Gateway 安全设置及常见问题解析
目标听众 : SAP 系统管理员, Key用户, 终端用户
主题深度 : 基础, 中级
SAP Note 1069911 - GW: Changes to the ACL list of the gateway (reginfo) SAP Note 1408081 - Basic settings for reg_info and sec_info SAP Note 614971 - GW: Changes to the ACL list of the gateway (secinfo) SAP Note 1850230 - GW: "Registration of tp <program ID> not allowed" SAP Note 2075799 - ERROR: Error (Msg EGW 748 not found) SAP Note 910919 - Setting up Gateway logging SAP Note 2132535 - RFC Destination fails “No storage allocation available” [VIDEO] SAP Note 2104408 - Checklist for "program <program ID> not registered" errors SAP Note 1333483 - Timeout during allocate of a registered program SAP Note 2145145 - User is not authorized to start an external program [VIDEO] SAP Wiki: Gateway Access Control Lists WIKI page , KBA , BC-CST-GW , Gateway/CPIC , Problem
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