You want to adapt the Usage Block of Business Partners in Data Protection and Privacy work center, but you cannot change the existing settings. You are also not able to find any alternative possibility to restrict or unrestrict the processing of Personal Data for Business Partners like Employees, Contacts or Private Accounts in the UI.
SAP Cloud for Customer Sales / Service
Reproducing the Issue
Go to work center Data Protection and Privacy.
Select Personal Data Removal or Personal Data Disclosure view.
Choose the link 'Click here to execute the query'.
Try to change the entry for any Business Partner in the Usage Block column.
The system does not allow you to edit the existing settings.
In SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer it is indeed not possible to adapt the Usage Block of any Business Partner in the UI.
You have the option to block the usage of Business Partners within an integration scenario, where you set the block in the integrated system and send it to SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer.
End of Purpose, Processing, Authorization , KBA , LOD-LE-BP-BP , Business Partner , How To