- R3trans hangs when Executing commands R3trans -d or R3trans -x
- Trace collected for 'r3trans_truss' shows the similar message (For e.g. values will be different)
10:15:09.913433 connect(5, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(5922), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, 16) = 0
10:15:09.913822 mmap(NULL, 262144, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7ff24871f000
10:15:09.913948 mmap(NULL, 262144, PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE|MAP_ANONYMOUS, -1, 0) = 0x7ff2486df000
10:15:09.914056 getsockname(5, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(39399), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
10:15:09.914149 rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {SIG_IGN, [], SA_RESTORER|SA_RESTART|SA_SIGINFO, 0x7ff25045bc10}, {SIG_DFL, [], 0}, 8) = 0
10:15:09.914240 sendto(5, "\0\346\320A\0\1\0\340\20A\0\221\21^\331\363\243\231\201\225\242@@@@@@@@@@@"..., 304, 0, NULL, 0) = 304
10:15:09.914771 recvfrom(5, "\0\223\320C\0\1\0\215\24C\0D\21^\204\202\362\201\227\205@@\204\202\362\201\207\205\225\243\360\360"..., 131072, 0, NULL, NULL) = 205
10:15:09.914950 getsockname(5, {sa_family=AF_INET, sin_port=htons(39399), sin_addr=inet_addr("")}, [16]) = 0
10:15:09.915060 gettimeofday({1531300509, 915078}, NULL) = 0
10:15:09.915149 sendto(5, "\0F\320A\0\1\0@\20n\0\6\21\242\0\t\0\26!\20\301\327\305@@@@@@@@@"..., 260, 0, NULL, 0) = 260
10:15:09.920172 recvfrom(5, "\0\25\320B\0\1\0\17\22\31\0\6\21I\0\0\0\5\21\244\0\0]\320R\0\2\0W\"\1\0"..., 131072, 0, NULL, NULL) = 254
10:15:09.920304 access("/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/db6/LINUXX86_64/db6_clidriver/cfgcache", F_OK) = 0
10:15:09.920408 open("/usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/db6/LINUXX86_64/db6_clidriver/cfgcache/conlic.bin", O_RDONLY) = 6
10:15:09.922780 fcntl(6, F_SETLKW, {type=F_RDLCK, whence=SEEK_SET, start=0, len=0}
- SAP ERP 6.0 / 700
- SAP ERP 2004
- SAP SCM 7.0
F_SETLKW, fcntl, conlic.bin, R3load hangs, Truss, DB2_CLI_DRIVER_INSTALL_PATH , KBA , BC-DB-DB6 , DB2 Universal Database for Unix / NT , Problem
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