When you try to create a new Pay Component Group in Manage Organization, Pay and Job Structures you get a error message when saving: Code Already Exists
When you search, inlcuding inactives, you cannot find any Pay Component Group using this Code (Pay Component Group ID).
You also cannot locate this Pay Component Group ID/Code being used by any Pay Component Group via Ad Hoc reporting.
Employee Central - Compensation Information
Reproducing the Issue
1. Navigate to Manage Organization, Pay and Job Structures
2. Create New Pay Component Group
3. Enter all required information including Pay Component Group ID
4. Save
5. Error: Code Already Exists
This is being caused as there is already a Pay Component created using this Code (Pay Component ID)
This is expected behavior.
Whenever a Pay Component is created a corresponding Pay Component Group will be created with the same code/ID in the background by the System. As this is a system defined paycomponentgroup it cannot be seen in Pay Component Group dropdown.
It can be seen when you try to create/correct a Pay Component of type 'Percentage'. When doing so you see a field called 'Base Pay Component Group' and this dropdown will list all Pay Component Groups including system created ones.
Pay, Component, Group, Code, ID, System, Error, paycomponentgroup, Code Already Exists, Pay Component Group, Create, New, Search, Advanced, Include, Inactives , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-CMP-CAL , Calculated - Pay Comp Groups, Compa/ Range & Charts , LOD-SF-EC , Employee Central , Problem