You replicate registered products from your external system to C4C (Cloud for Customer) and notice that some of the messages fail in Web Service Message Monitor with the following error:
'Installed object must be of type functional location'.
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Pre-requisites: you have a working integration scenario for registered products between C4C and your external system.
You send a registered product from your external system to C4C with interface: RegisteredProductReplicationInitiatedByExternalIn.
- Go to the Administrator work center.
- Click on the Web Service Message Monitor hyperlink under General Settings.
- Check the erroneous messages for the above interface and observe the error message: 'Installed object must be of type functional location'.
The above error usually occurs when the receiver installation ID already exists in C4C as a functional location. Both equipment and functional location are stored under the same BO (business object) in C4C and this BO has a key field InstallationPointID which means that you might have an equipment and a functional location in your external system with the same ID, however, you cannot have the corresponding registered product and functional location in C4C with the same InstallationPointID.
As described above, you cannot have the same ID for registered products and functional locations in C4C. As a workaround, you can change the mapping in your middleware to pass only the InstallationPointID and not fill the ReceiverInstallationPointID, so C4C will create an instance and assign an internal InstallationPointID.
installed object, functional location, registered product, RegisteredProductReplicationInitiatedByExternalIn , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-ERP , Integration of C4C with ERP , How To