- When performing a search in PD Web, the Progress mouse pointer is displayed when it passes hover the menu and titlebar.
- It does not if the pointer is located in the middle of the screen over the grid displaying results.
- The page may appear unresponsive and it displays the usual Pointer when passing over the grid.
- When the repository and models are quite big, it might keep on displaying "No data" in the Search window that has just opened: it displays the default pointer.
- It should:
- display the hourglass mouse pointer (or a spinning wheel) while the Search is in progress and wherever the pointer is,
- hide the number of found results in the footer right after the Search tool is closed in the Search window.
SAP PowerDesigner (PD) Web 16.6
SAP PowerDesigner 16.6
815839, CR815839, CR#815839 , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , Product Enhancement
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