- If the customer and vendor is mapped to the same business partner, the synchronization overwrites the data
- For legal entity, data is missing during CVI Migration
- The synchronization doesn't copy additional communicaton data from both the customer and vendor which is mapped to the same business entity
- During CVI, the communication data, tax information of the later migrated object overwrites the previous one
- SAP ERP 6.0
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
SAP ERP 6.0 ; SAP ERP Central Component all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions
Customer-Vendor Integration, Master Data Synchronization , KBA , AP-MD-BP-SYN , Business Partner Synchronization , FS-BP , Business Partner , LO-MD-BP , Business Partners , CA-FS-CVI , Customer Vendor Integration – FS-BP part , Problem
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