- Revised Professional tax slab and rates for a given state where ptax is applicable.
- Change in Ptax amounts effective from given tax year.
Example scenario say for any given State :
Here the State of Tamil Nadu is an example, and same way it can be from Madhya Pradesh (MP) , Maharashtra, Bihar etc. (States where Ptax is applicable,and there have been Salary slabs and Rates/Amount of deduction already maintained)
Government of India has introduced Professional Tax in Tamil Nadu Region as per notification circulated to all industries,
from Tamil Nadu Government for Revised Professional tax effective from 1st of April 2018.
Sl.No. Average Half-Yearly Income Half yearly Profession Tax prior to 01.10.2008 Half yearly Profession Tax w.e.f. 01.04.2018
Rs. Rs.
1 Upto 21,000 NIL NIL
2 21,001 to 30,000 100/- 135/-
3 30,001 to 45,000 235/- 315/-
4 45,001 to 60,000 510/- 690/-
5 60,001 to 75,000 760/- 1025/-
6 75,001 and above 1095/- 1250/-
- SAP ERP Human Capital Management
- SAP ERP Payroll India
- SAP R/3
- SAP R/3 Enterprise
- SAP ERP Central Component
- SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
Ptax,Prof.Tax, Professional Tax,INPTX, /3P1, T7INP3,T7INP4, Infotype 0588 STy 0003 ,PTX, , KBA , PY-IN , India , Problem
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