Following KBA 2416119 - Improved security for outgoing HTTPS connections in SAP NetWeaver was referred to set parameter UrlCheckServerCertificate of HTTP Provider service to "true". Then when AS Java work as SSL client and there is outgoing calls to SSL server which underline use IAIK library to secure the connection, following error get throw out.
javax.servlet.ServletException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while silently connecting: org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpException: Peer certificate rejected by ChainVerifier
at org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.WebComponent.service(
at org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer.service(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Error while silently connecting: org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpException: Peer certificate rejected by ChainVerifier
at org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.error(SourceFile:192)
at org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpURLConnection.checkReply(SourceFile:186)
If follow KBA 2673775 - Use /tshw to collect IAIK debug trace for outgoing calls in AS Java to collect IAIK debug trace, following error can be seen.
CertRevoc result: false
revoced certificate (CN=***,O=***,L=***,ST=***,C=**) found.
- Release Independent
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server Java
fetchMetadataError[object Object], fetchMetadataError, java, webdynpro, security, javax.servlet.ServletException, java.lang.RuntimeException, Error while silently connecting, org.w3c.www.protocol.http.HttpException, Peer certificate rejected by ChainVerifier, revocked, revoced, revoked, revoced certificate , KBA , BC-JAS-SEC-CPG , Cryptography , Problem
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