When try to post Payment Lot with transaction FP05 message 'KM 700 Profit center &1/&2 does not exist for &3' is raised.
Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)
General: KM700, Event 1102, PRCTR, TFK001B-PCTOP, FKK_SAMPLE_1102
EN: Profit center &1/&2 does not exist for &3, profit center account assignment, profit center, Profit Center in Business Partner Items, Derivation
DE: Profit Center &1/&24 zum &3 nicht vorhanden, Profitcenter-Kontierung, Profitcenter, Ableitung, Geschäftspartnerpositionen , KBA , FI-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , IS-U-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , IS-T-CA , Contract Accounting , FS-CD , Collections and Disbursements , IS-PS-CA , Public Sector Contract Accounting , IS-M-CA , Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable , FI-CAX , Non-industry specific contract accounts receivable, payable , Problem
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