The outbound emails are not sending out and getting the following error:
Cannot process message in SAP System
Message No. XS817
Processing could not be continued due to a technical or configuration error in the SAP system.
System Response
Processing terminated.
Processing was terminated in the SAP system. The reason is given in the details below:
Error in SMTP plug-in
The argument XXXXXX cannot be interpreted as a number <==== For example the detail here is "The argument 100 #TEST cannot be interpreted as a number".
All Release
XS817,SOST,outbound emails,Error in SMTP plug-in,The argument XXXXXX cannot be interpreted as a number , KBA , mpi/total_size_mb , xs817 , the argument cannot be interprete , cannot be interprete , BC-SRV-COM , Communication Services: Mail, Fax, SMS, Telephony , Problem
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