You try to add an OLAP BW data source to the application, but you get an error pop-up with the following error message:
"Failed to connect to <connectionname>:
while trying to invoke the method java.lang.String.startsWith(java.lang.string) of a null object loaded from local variable "destination name""
This issue happens even if the connection is working on other reporting tools (WebI, AO, Crystal Reports...) and if the connection used to work in Lumira Designer before upgrading BI Platform.
This issue does not happen when adding the same data source locally (from the local BW system the OLAP connection is based on).
- Lumira Designer 2.x
- BI Platform 4.2 SP5 Patch x
CMC, failing, browser, preferred, language, viewing, unspecified, user, session. , KBA , BI-LUM-DER , Lumira Designer , Problem
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