The New button for Sales Order is greyed out under Sales Documents facet in Sales Quote.
SAP Sales Cloud
Reproducing the Issue
Go to the Sales work center.
Go to the Sales Quotes view.
- Open Sales Quote XYZ (XYZ represents Sales Quote ID).
- Go to Sales Documents facet.
Here in the Sales Order section you can see that the New button is disabled.
There could be many reasons for the Sales Order creation New button to be greyed out.
- If you have set an Approval Process for Sales quotes in the system, in that case, you need to SUBMIT first for approval and then set the Quote to Won.
- If sales quote is already replicated to ERP, then sales order new button is grayed out. Once the sales quote is replicate to ERP then sales order will be generated in ERP system. Now if C4C system allows you to create new order, then it will be separate sales order in ERP.
- The moment you create a sales order as a follow up of sales quote using all products of the quote, the status of the sales quote will be set to completed and you will not be able to create further documents.
- If you have maintained an external pricing for your products in ERP and for the Sales Quote when you add Products, the web service message is triggered to your external system and this Sales Quote is considered as a replicated item.
- Once the Sales Quote has the status completed, the new button will no longer be available.
This is an expected system behavior.
See Also
KBA 2540377 - FAQ for Sales Quotes
New button greyed out, Sales Order, Sales Document tab, Sales Quote, gray, grayed , KBA , LOD-LE-CQP , Customer Quote Processing , Problem
SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions