For example, when a user is searching for a curricula within the Catalog Search it does not return any results for the English local.
SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS) - All Supported Versions
Reproducing the Issue
- In the English locale, the user searches the Catalog for a curricula they know exists but it returns no results.
- Updating the locale to French or German and using the same search criteria, the curricula details are displayed
- The admins checks that the curricula configuraiton and the necessary translations are present for all three locales.
- Labels which are associated to the curricula also have the correct translations
While the label values are stored both in the database and LMS admin, they did not commit correctly.
To rectify problem, the admin will need to identify the label id in question.
- Navigate to References > Geography > Labels > search on label id and open in Edit mode.
- Delete the English locale
- Add the English locale back in again with the label value
When the user searches for the curricula again, it is available to select in the English locale.
label, translations, catalog search, references, geography, translations , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-COR , LMS Core - Items, Catalog, Curricula , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , Problem