- An administrator points the DirectConnect(DC) server to a different mainframe.
- When trying to use ISQL to connect to the DC service the following error occurs in the DC log:
TCPIP Network Error: { [NOTCONNECTED] Lost connection to database, Request(Connect),SubFunc(Failed),
SYBTCP RetCode(1) Description(SYBTCP_FAIL), TCP API RetCode (11004) Description(WSA NO_DATA) }
<HostName=*>, <PortNumber=7010>, <Region Name=cicstXXX>, <TPName=XXXX>
Msg 30000, Level 16, State 0: Server 'XXXXXX': Login failure. <SMR>
CT-LIBRARY error: ct_connect(): protocol specific layer: external error: The attempt to connect to the server failed.
- MainframeConnect DirectConnect 15.01
TCP Errorno 11004 WSA NO_DATA DC MFC ETC Hosts , KBA , BC-SYB-MFC , Mainframe Connect (MFC) , Problem
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