How to check license usage information for SuccessFactors system.
SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
Customers are responsible for understanding and maintaining their allocation of SAP SuccessFactors HXM user licenses since this is a self service process. A bundle/package is a grouping of products and modules where upon the most used product (usage as defined in the information sheets below) is representative of the usage count of the bundle/package.
Please refer to the below link for the documentation:
Cloud (SaaS) Application Usage & SAP Business Technology Platform
The information sheets will provide all guidance on user definitions and the steps customers can take to review usage within their system.
You can check the Usage Measurement of the License for each module in the following link: SAP SuccessFactors License Compliance Module Details | SAP Help Portal
For the modules that the usage measurement is: "Total number of Individuals who have an active status in the system. This number represents the total number of users with active profiles or status." Customers can run the report as mentioned in Cloud (SaaS) Application Usage & SAP Business Technology Platform to understand the total number of individuals who have an active status in the system.
The above link will take you to the section below, where you can see each module to run the report for:
Once knowing that, customers can remove inactive users and clean up data to free up licenses, as indicated in the KBA 2088188 - SAP SuccessFactors License Utilization - SAP for Me
Should you have any questions on these documents, please engage your SAP SuccessFactors Customer Engagement Executive.
See Also
usage, license usage, user, successfactors licence, user licence, application usage, license utilization, user license, , KBA , LOD-SF-PLT-PRV , Provisioning Changes , How To