Can you please let us know how to add multiple TLS versions?
Parameters mentioned in note 2415155 ALL: TLS 1.1 & TLS 1.2 support for HTTPS connections can be implemented in AO and EPM Add-in via FPMXLClient.dll.config file
Can you please let us know how to add multiple TLS versions?
- AO - EPM Plug-In
- SAP EPM solutions, add-in for Microsoft Office
SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.0, version for SAP NetWeaver ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 10.1, version for SAP NetWeaver ; SAP Business Planning and Consolidation 7.5, version for SAP NetWeaver ; SAP NetWeaver 7.4
EPM, BPC NW, Business Planning and Consolidation for NetWeaver, SAP BPC FOR NetWeaver, BPCNW, Embedded, standard, classic, unified, BOPC, plugin , KBA , EPM-BPC-NW , NetWeaver Version , Problem
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