You are using the Curriculum Connector to import the curriculum_item_data.txt input file and update an existing curriculum.
For example, you have a curriculum with 4 items that are displayed in the following order:
- Item_B
- Item_D
- Item_A
- Item_C
Then, you run the curriculum connector to add new items and/or update the curriculum.
Curriculum_A | ILT | Item_A |
Curriculum_A | ILT | Item_B |
Curriculum_A | ILT | Item_C |
Curriculum_A | Online | Item_D |
*For better visualization, we used a table to display the input file structure. When creating your input file, you must use the symbols that separates the fields and indicates the end of line for the connector according to your system configuration
However, when checking the curriculum in the UI, there was no change in the item display order. The connector is not updating the display order according to what was indicated in the input file.
SuccessFactors LMS
connector, curriculum, item, display, order , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-CON , Connectors , Problem
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