You have created a Fixed Asset and has activated the asset in current period. The depreciation must start in a past date, then you have settled the Initial Depreciation Date for DD.MM.YYYY. (DD.MM.YYYY represents the date in the past that you want the depreciation starts)
However, when you check Depreciation Overview, under Values, you see that the first depreciation, for the current period, has the same amount as the others and is not summing the depreciations from the past periods, as you expected.
SAP Business ByDesign.
Reproducing the Issue
You have created the asset with Initial Depreciation Date for DD.MM.YYYY.
- Go to Fixed Assets work center.
- Go to Fixed Assets view.
- Search for the asset you have just created.
- Open it and click on View All.
- Go to Values tab.
- Open Depreciation Overview subtab.
- You see that the first row, which corresponds to the first depreciation, is not summing all the past depreciation, as you expected.
The Depreciation starts both based on the Depreciation Start Date of the Master Data and on the Asset Valuation Date of the posting.
The Asset Valuation Date of the posting usually is defaulted to be same as the first posting date of the asset, but it can be changed at the time of the posting.
For manual fixed asset postings the Asset Valuation Date could be overridden by the user at the time of posting, by selecting the field from the personalized hidden fields list, at the time of the posting.
For that, follow the steps below within the Fixed Asset:
- Click View All.
- Click button Manual Posting.
- Choose option Acquisition.
- When in the screen Manual Posting - Acquisition, Start Personalization Mode.
- Select row Details.
- You will see that Asset Valuation Date is not flagged, flag it.
- Stop Personalization Date.
- Fill this field with the date in the past that you want the depreciation starts.
If the asset already have a posting document for it, you can reverse the current posting and post a new Manual Fixed Asset posting filling the Asset Valuation Date, as required.
Depreciation. Fixed Asset. Asset Valuation Date. Depreciation Start Date. , KBA , SRD-FIN-FA , Fixed Assets , How To