When there is a SapTable with increased row height and contains a ComboBox, the dropdown listbox is misplaced. It aligns to the table row instead of the ComboBox.
- Unified Rendering based applications
- All browsers
- SAP NetWeaver
- SAP Web Application Server for SAP S/4HANA all versions
Web Dynpro, Webdynpro, ABAP, JAVA, dropdown, listbox, ComboBox, misplaced, text column adjustment failure, Drop down issue, under the selection, not displayed correctly, fills more than one row, displayed above the whole cell, table, sap table, SapTable, 1808, cummulative patch, IE, Internet Explorer 11, Mozilla Firefox, Mozila, FF, Google Chrome , KBA , BC-WD-UR , Unified Rendering , BC-FES-ITS , SAP Internet Transaction Server , BC-WD-ABA , Web Dynpro ABAP , BC-WD-JAV , WebDynpro Java , Problem
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