The candidate is in Manage Pending Hires and on Submitting the candidate, it throws an Application error with Error id
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting
The Candidate profile may have been Deleted
- With the error id search the logs in the Splunk and If you could the logs Similar to this what you see
- " while trying to invoke the method. com.successfactors.rcmcandidate.bean.CandidateBean.isInternalCandidate() of a null object loaded from local variable 'candidate' "
- Please verify from the Requisition, for the candidate whom you are trying to Hire from Manage Pending Hires has an Active Candidate Profile.
- These logs mostly comes only when the Candidate profile is deleted.
- It is not possible to revoke the Deleted candidate. The customer has to request the candidate to create another profile and reapply to the Requisition.
Error from Manage Pending hires, errorID=a289372f-82f9-42ad-8b2a-83e7078b8ab5 , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-CAN , General Candidate Issues (not Offers, not Profiles) , Problem
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core 1805