You want to know each approval status of an Opportunity.
SAP Cloud for Customer
We have 7 types of approval status in Cloud for Customer for Opportunities
Not started: This is the first step of an approval status, in case the conditions are met in the system, a message will trigger saying: "Please submit for approval".
- Withdrawn: This status only occurs with the user selects the option "Withdrawn from approval" before the approver approves the document.
In Approval: Once you send the document for approval, the status will change automatically in the document.
- In Revision: The status will get triggered when the approver does not approve the document.
- Approved: System triggers this status once the approver approves the opportunity document.
- Rejected: this option can be customized via Cloud Application Studio.
Approval Not Necessary: The status will be true if:
- Opportunity is sent for approval.
- Sent back for revision by the approver.
- A change in the opportunity does not meet the approval conditions.
- System automatically change the status to "Approval Not Necessary”.
Approval ; Opportunities; Status , KBA , LOD-CRM-OPP , Opportunity Management , How To
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