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2681495 - Issues in Counter Based Modification creation


In the Maintenance Requirement Workbench (MBX) under embodiment rules tab there is an issue with the plan or counter based selection criteria. When work center is added in maintenance plan item sub screen, the plant field does not get populated on its own. Also, no error message appears for the plant entry to be maintained as it is a mandatory field.

Secondly, when we try to save the MOD document without clicking on “update master notification” the system switches the screen to “Time based” Mod. If we reselect the “Plan or counter based” mod option, then the work center field gets vanished. This makes it difficult for the user to make corrections (if required) while creating the mod document. Also, no error appears to add work centre plant even if it is not maintained.

Transaction code: AXONX/MBX



SAP Enterprise Asset Management, add-on for MRO 3.0 by HCL for S/4HANA


SAP Enterprise Asset Management, add-on for MRO 3.0 by HCL for SAP S/4HANA 1709


SAP EAM, add-on for MRO 3.0 by HCL for SAP S/4HANA 1709 , KBA , XX-PART-HCL-EAM , SAP EAM, add-on for MRO by HCL for SAP S/4HANA , Problem

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