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2683203 - The dbmcli tool fails in Windows command prompt


Running a dbmcli command from a command prompt fails with:

Error! Connection failed to node <hostname> for database (no dbname):
run program as admin to start dbmsrv


Can not open file '<drive>:\sapdb\<SID>\data\wrk\dbmsrv_<hostname>.err'.
(System error 5; Access is denied.)
Error! Connection failed to node (local) for database
-24700,ERR_DBMSRV_NOSTART: Could not start DBM server.
-24832,ERR_SHMNOTAVAILABLE: Shared memory not available
-24827,ERR_SHMALLOCFAILED: ID <drive>:\sapdb\<SID>\data\wrk\<SID>.dbm.shi, requested size xxxx
2,Creating temporary shared memory file failed, rc = 5.



Windows operating system


KBA , BC-DB-SDB , MaxDB , BC-DB-LVC , liveCache , How To

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