SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2683516 - News Page (Learner Introduction) not appearing - LMS


News Page pop up is not appearing


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue


Ensure that the following configuration is already setup from System Admin > Configuration > System Configuration


               displayNewsPageOnLogin = Always

  • BizX

               showNewsInIntegratedMode = true

1. Login as user

2. The news page will be displayed

3. Notice that the "News" is not in the Links tile as well



The "Access News" workflows is missing from the user.


1. Check the user profile and take a note of the role of the user

2. Go to System Admin > Security > Role Management

3. Search for the role of the user and edit it

4. Go to the "Workflows" tab

5. Click on the link that says "add one or more from the list"

6. Collapse all the workflow and search for the "Access News" and add it

7. Save the changes

See Also

2597083 - Login to LMS from BizX News page not appearing

2185992 - How "News" page can be displayed to users when they first login ?


news page not appearing, news not showing, news pop up, access news, news link, displayNewsPageOnLogin, showNewsIntegratedMode, workflow missing , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-TIL , Landing Page and Tiles , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1602 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1605 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1608 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1611 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1702 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1705 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1708 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1711 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1802 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1805 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1808 ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning 1811