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2685897 - How are the number of threads in the syb_system_pool calculated by ASE


  • Query master..monThread monitoring table.
       monThread..BusyTicks column will display accumulated values
       monThread..IdleTicks column will display single digit values or zero
       monThread..TaskRuns column will display single digit values or zero
  • sp_helpthread output between 2 ASE instances with identically configuration (cfg) file.

ASE Instance#1

Name              Type                 CurrentSize TargetSize IdleTimeout Description                                  InstanceName
----------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------
syb_blocking_pool Run To Completion              4          4           0 A pool dedicated to executing blocking calls NULL
syb_default_pool  Engine (Multiplexed)           5          5         500 The default pool to run query sessions       NULL
syb_system_pool   Run To Completion              4          4           0 The I/O and system task pool                 NULL       <<<< HERE

ASE instance#2

Name              Type                 CurrentSize TargetSize IdleTimeout Description                                  InstanceName
----------------- -------------------- ----------- ---------- ----------- -------------------------------------------- ------------
syb_blocking_pool Run To Completion              4          4           0 A pool dedicated to executing blocking calls NULL
syb_default_pool  Engine (Multiplexed)           5          5         500 The default pool to run query sessions       NULL
syb_system_pool   Run To Completion              3          3           0 The I/O and system task pool                 NULL       <<<< HERE



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0
  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterrpise 15.7


SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 15.7 ; SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise 16.0


threadpool, thread, pool, ctlib controller, monThread, RTC, run-to-completion , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem

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