- While performing an Upgrade, the Software Update Manager (SUM) Stops in phase HANA_DEPLOY_UPG with an error
- The error message is similar to:
A2EESCTS_HOT 555 Objects with activation errors: "xxxx"
A3 ESCTS_HOT 507 " "
A3 ESCTS_HOT 569 Activating the repository objects in "5" imported requests:
A4 ESCTS_HOT 539X Attempt "1": Activating "<####>" objects
A2EESCTS_HOT 563 HANA activation ID: "197", HANA return code: "40136"
A2EESCTS_HOT 532 "HANA Message: Repository: Activation failed for at least one object;At least one runtime reported an error during activation"
A2EESCTS_HOT 532 " . Please see CheckResults for details"" "" "
A4 ESCTS_HOT 530 "Activation is performed with activation mode cascade two-phases."" "
A2EESCTS_HOT 546X "PCO_P010.calculationview (<xxxx>) activation failed [<component>]"" "
A2EESCTS_HOT 532 "Repository: Encountered an error in repository runtime extension;Model inconsistency. Create Scenario failed:"
A2EESCTS_HOT 532 "ColumnTable <db_name>::SAP_ECC:<table_name> (t -1) not found (cannot get catalog object)(calculationNode (<table_name>))"
A2EESCTS_HOT 532 "The following errors occurred:"" Inconsistent calculation model"" (34011)"" "
A2EESCTS_HOT 532 "Details (Errors):"" "" "" "
A2EESCTS_HOT 532 "- calculationNode (<table_name>): ColumnTable <db_name>::SAP_ECC:<table_name (t -1) not found (cannot get catalog object)."
A2EESCTS_HOT 532 "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='u""tf-8'?><cubeSchema defaultLanguage='EN' defaultSchema='<wrong_schema_name>' operation='createCalculation"
A2EESCTS_HOT 532 " Scenario' version='3'><calcul""ationScenario name='<xxxx>' externalScenarioName='<xxxxxxx>"
A2EESCTS_HOT 532 " ::PCO_P010' schema='<wrong_schema_name><scenarioHints enforceSqlExecution='true'/><dataSources><tableDataSource name='<table_name>"
- SAP Hanna DB
Repository activiation failed for at least one object ,calculationNode ColumnTable not found (cannot get catalog object) ,HANA: Error 'cannot get catalog object' during view activation,cannot get catalog object , CalculationNode (<view_name>): ColumnView _SYS_BIC:<package>/<view_name> not found (cannot get catalog object),HTA parameters: "HTA_ACTIVATION_MODE=0 MAX_NO_ACTIVATION_ATTEMPTS=10 HANA_LOG_WITH_HINTS ,ColumnTable <db_name>::SAP_ECC:<table_name> (t -1) not found (cannot get catalog object)(calculationNode (<table_name>)) ,Activation is performed with activation mode cascade two-phases , activation failed ,calculationview (<xxxx>) activation failed [<component>]
, KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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