Managing activity-based time recording via the APP 'Manage My Timesheet'. Service Entry sheets are being created automatically in the background.
- SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Open the 'Manage my timesheet'.
- Enter hours in a month where there is already an existing Purchase Order and save.
- The Service Entry Sheet and the Goods Receipt has been created in the background.
- Check in the APP 'Display Line Items in General Ledger' you can see the postings against the G/L account.
Standard System Behaviour.
Starting with release 1808 the process of creating Service Entry Sheets from Time Sheets has been changed. As soon as time recordings are approved (or submitted if no approval is required) the creation of the corresponding Service Entry Sheet and goods receipt is triggered automatically in the background. It is no longer necessary to schedule the 'Automatic Creation of Service Entry Sheets from Time Recording' step via the app 'Schedule Purchasing Jobs'.
The system behaviour is now as follows:
- Time recordings are are no longer bundled. Each time record creates one Service Entry Sheet with one item.
- The goods receipt is now posted with the service performance date as the posting date.
- If an error occurs during the creation of the Service Entry Sheet or the Goods Reciept it can be checked and managed via the app "Monitor Log for Service Entry Sheet Generation".
- After the cause of the error has been corrected the APP 'Schedule Purchasing Jobs' has to be used to generate the Service Entry Sheet and Goods Receipt
- When the job scheduling is processed the errors for the related time recordings are deleted from the App "Monitor Log for Service Entry Sheet Generation" (and created again if the problem still exists).
- If you change a time record, the corresponding Service Entry Sheet or the Goods Reciept are automatically deleted and new ones created.
- The deletion of Service Entry Sheets is no longer possible with the App "Manage Service Entry Sheets". (except for Service Entry Sheets that were created before the 1808 upgrade).
See Also
FIORI, MMFIOSTD, F1823, J12, Manage My Timesheet, Service Entry Sheets, time recording, pending approval, Generated from Time Recording, Change Time Sheet, My Time Sheet, Reverse the GR automatically, Mark the SES as deleted, New SES will be created, GR will be posted for the new value, , KBA , MM-FIO-SRV , Fiori UI for Services Management , CA-TS-S4 , Cross Application Timesheet in S/4HANA , Problem