You have activated a planning area and notice the following warning message in the activation logs:
- W- The following S&OP Operator profiles were not activated: XXXXX S&OP Optimizer
- When trying to select the optimizer, you notice that the optimizer text is red, indicating it is not valid.
SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain all versions
ibp, integrated, business, planning, supply, sup, S&OP, not, activated, active, config, cnf, configuration,profile, key, figure, kf, warning, act, SOP, optimizer, heuristic, opt, follow, not, red, invalid, unable, to, choose, select, optimizer, redded, out, text , KBA , SCM-IBP-SUP , Supply , SCM-IBP-CNF , Configuration , SCM-IBP-CNF-ACT , Activation , Problem
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