SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2687526 - New Inventory Balance Report and Data Source


You can see that from 1808 release new data sources and report are introduced in Business ByDesign for Inventory Balance and Inventory Balance Details. These new data source and report is to replace the already existing Inventory Balance Report and Data Source.

The details of the new data source and report is provided below.

Data Source  / Report  Name Old Entities (Deprecated) New Entities
Inventory Balance Data Source  SCMINBU01 SCMINBU03
Inventory Balance Details Data Source SCMINBU02 SCMINBU04
Inventory Balance Report  SCMINBU01_Q0001 SCMINBU03_Q0001
Inventory Balance Details Report SCMINBU02_Q0001 SCMINBU04_Q0001






SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to work center Business Analytics.
  2. Navigate to the view Design Reports.
  3. Use the key word Inventory Balance and search for the available report.
  4. You are able to see that the system displays reports with name Inventory Balance and Inventory Balance (deprecated).
  5. The same is visible for Inventory Balance Details report also.


SAP wanted to improve the performance footprint of the existing Inventory Balance (SCMINBU01_Q0001) and Inventory Balance Details (SCMINBU02_Q0001) report. Since customers would have already created custom reports on the above mentioned data sources, any changes would disrupt the reports created. Inorder to negate this issue SAP created new Data Source and Reports for Inventory balance.


You can continue to use the deprecated data sources, but there will be no new changes performed from SAP side for the deprecated data sources. The deprecated data sources will not be available for any changes for newly reported issues on them. SAP encourages the customers to make use of the new data source and reports for better performance of the Inventory Balance and Inventory Balance Details reports. Any further changes in the report and data sources will be performed only on the new data sources.


Deprecated Inventory Balance Report, Deprecated Inventory Balance Details Report, Inventory Balance report duplication, Inventory Balance details report duplication, Why is the Inventory Balance report deprecated? , KBA , why is the inventory balance report depr , deprecated inventory balance report , deprecated inventory balance details rep , inventory balance report duplication , inventory balance details report duplica , AP-IP-INV , Inventory , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions