- MS SQL databases are not discovered by the Diagnostics Agent Outside Discovery
- Error:
[Thread[ExRun:OutsideDiscovery_2,5,OutsideDiscovery:ExecTG]] Error [DatabaseInfoPushJob] Remote Exception calling DataEnrichment Manager Bean.
java.rmi.RemoteException: RfcExecutionException; nested exception is: An exception occured during the execution of the function 'FM_DIAGLS_PUSH_DATABASE': Cannot retrieve database '<Databasename>.DBTypeForSAP.MSS.SystemHome.<Hostname>'nullnull"
can be found in the following Diagnostics Agent logs:
- smdagent_trace.x.trc
- e2edcc.x.log
- e2edcc_db.x.log
- Error:
[PID 1234] *** ERROR => Invalid database property [sapdbctrl.cp 2543]
can be found in the SAPHostAgent log
- Solution Manager 7.2
- Microsoft SQL Server on the Managed System
RETRIEVE_EXCEPTION: LMDB Retrieve Error , KBA , SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-LSC , OS and DB Host Discovery (Outside Discovery) , Problem
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