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2688634 - Error code 40202 Schema could not be resolved for public synonym. Check that the target table exists.


  • Found that package is not activated properly using the following command.

select * from "_SYS_REPO"."ACTIVE_OBJECT" where object_suffix = 'hdbti' and object_status > 0 ;

Results:    permissions hdbti         3 31:57.2 SYSTEM       0 import = [{ hdbtable = \"sap.hana.uis.db::_UIS_PERMISSIONS\"  file = \"\"  header = true  delimField = \" \"  keys = [\"OBJECT_ID\":\"|monitoring\"] }]

  • Found the Error 40202 in trace files like below.

(ERROR, error code: 40202, error message: Schema could not be resolved for public synonym.  Check that the target table exists., object: {tenant: , package: sap.hana.hdblcm.cockpit, name: permissions, suffix: hdbti}, location: , time stamp: , unformatted error message: Schema could not be resolved for public synonym.  Check that the target table exists.)



  • HANA 1.0
  • HANA 2.0


SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition


"_UIS_PERMISSIONS", "HANA_UI_INTEGRATION_SVC", "hdbti", "2303448", "note 230448", "note ##230448" , KBA , HAN-AS-RPO , SAP HANA Repository , Problem

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