You have posted a Goods and Activity Confirmation but the cost that got picked is not what you expected.
sap business bydesign.
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Inventory Valuation work center.
- Materials and filter for the material XYZ ( XYZ indicates material ).
- Click on View Cost History and filter for the source document in question.
- Select the source document 456 ( 456 indicates source document ) and the resulting inventory cost is showing as 1200 (1200 indicates inventory cost)
For this source document 456 the Qty is 92 ( 92 * 1200 = 110400 )
Based on this rate and the Qty the source document is valued and posted.
- Go to the Inventory Valuation work center.
- Materials and select the material XYZ.
- Edit > Valuation tab.
The inventory cost is maintained as 60 ( 60 indicates inventory cost ) valid from DD-MM-YYYY. So this rate is valid during the posting of the above document and expecting this rate to pick for the document instead of 1200.
The goods issue is posted with the value applicable at this point in time.
Why this rate is appearing, because
-> The goods receipt updates the inventory cost with the value required at this point in time (mixed price).
-> The goods issue will be posted with the value applicable at this point in time.
If you remove the filter for the source document and then scroll up/down the inventory cost history and you will notice that there are goods receipt postings as well which increases the cost.
And as you scroll to the last transaction in the inventory cost history view in the period/year MM/YYYY the inventory cost is keep changing based on the transactions you are posting.
At that moment of posting of the source document, system takes the price that is valid at that point in time.
inventory cost rate picking during goods issue. , KBA , cost rate for goods issue , SRD-FIN-INV , Inventory , Problem