SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2689045 - How to control data protection pop-up


When you try to do some navigations, for example, insert date sources,  a pop-up will be displayed with message:

SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office contains free text fields.
These text fields are not intended to store personal data without additional technical or organizational measures to safeguard data protection and privacy.


You would like to control whether the end users will see this pop-up.


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office

Reproducing the Issue

Navigate in AO. For example, insert date sources.


The behaviour is controlled by the parameter DPPPopup_enforce and DPPPopup_shown. Please check below table for details. Please also check SAP Note 2083067 about how to maintain settings for Analysis Office.

Setting and S

etting Values

Setting Description File Path and Default Value
DPPPopup_enforce = 1 (default value) or any integer value

You use this setting to specify whether the data protection pop-up should be displayed when Analysis is started.
The data protection pop-up will be displayed when starting Analysis as long as the value for this setting is higher than the value for setting DPPPopup_shown. Therefore, you can also re-enforce that the pop-up is displayed with setting the value for this setting to a higher value than DPPPopup_shown.
The default value is 1. This means that the pop-up will be displayed as the default value for DPPPopup_shown is 0.

Cof_app.config in folder %PROGRAMDATA%\Sap\Cof,

<section name="DPPPopup_enforce" type="Int32" configurationLevel="PerMachine" />

<!--default of 'DPPPopup_enforce': value="1" -->
<DPPPopup_enforce />

DPPPopup_shown = 0 (default value) or any integer value

You use this setting to specify whether the data protection pop-up should be displayed again when Analysis is started.
The data protection pop-up will be displayed again when starting Analysis as long as the value for this setting is lower than the value for setting DPPPopup_enforce. Therefore, you can also re-enforce that the pop-up is displayed with setting the value for this setting to a lower value than DPPPopup_enforce.
The default value is 0. This means that the pop-up will be displayed as the default value for DPPPopup_enforce is 1.
If you select the check box "Do not show again" in the pop-up, the value is set to 1 and the pop-up will not be displayed when starting Analysis the next time as both settings have the same value.

Cof_app.config in folder %PROGRAMDATA%\Sap\Cof,

<section name="DPPPopup_shown"

\type="Int32" configurationLevel="UserRoaming" />

<!--default of 'DPPPopup_shown': value="0" -->
<DPPPopup_shown />

The default value of configurationLevel is "UserRoaming", which means that you can change the setting in Cof_user_roaming.config in folder %APPDATA%\Sap\Cof, for exmaple, <DPPPopup_shown value="1" />. In this case, if the same setting exists in both Cof_app.config and Cof_user_roaming.config, the value in Cof_user_roaming.config will overwrite the one in Cof_app.config.


AO, Analysis for Excel, Analysis for Office, A4O, dialog, pop up, security , KBA , BI-RA-AO-XLA , Excel Addin , Problem


SAP Analysis for Microsoft Office all versions