Access to SAP HANA XS Advanced fails with USER_INFO_REQUEST_ERROR_MSG and the below error is populated in the traces:
IdentityZone: correlation_id: - [https-jsse-nio-] .... WARN --- CallMetaDataProviderFactory: Metadata processing disabled - you must specify all parameters explicitly
INFO --- Audit: UserAuthenticationSuccess ('XSA_ADMIN'): principal=165725, origin=[remoteAddress=, clientId=sb-xs_role_admin], identityZoneId=[uaa]
ERROR --- XS2UaaTokenEnhancer: Could not add attribute serviceinstanceid
Screenshot of the error:
- SAP HANA Extended Application Services, Advanced Model
- SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
XSA, enable, host, config, configuration, hostConfig, Enabling, null, object , KBA , BC-XS-RT , XS Advanced Runtime / XS Controller , BC-XS-SEC , UAA and Security for HANA XSA engine , Problem
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