SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2691856 - Sales Quotation Cannot Submit for Approval and Preview Output


Sales Quotation cannot submit for approval and preview output.


SAP Hybris Cloud For Customer, SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Open any Transactional Order XYZ, where XYZ stands for example Sales Order.
  2. Go to Output Facet.
  3. Click on Edit Output setting--> No record found.
  4. Click on Actions->Preview.No record found.


On click of Edit Output Settings we see 'No records found' as there is no item being getting created because the form template code
which is being passed has no existing variant. On edit output settings the item is created with default form template code,i.e. 'Sales Quote' which has no variant.


A template should be maintained in Form Template Selection and then we will be able to see item getting
created in Edit Output Settings.


Form Template, No Records, Output, Preview. , KBA , preview , form template , output , AP-RC-OUT , Output Management , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions