The developer would like to execute actions in one of the standard Eclipse distributions, which was downloaded from the Eclipse Foundation source page.
In this scenario the Eclipse IDE is used for development tasks along with SAP NW AS JAVA technologies.
The developer faces errors while importing, exporting or editing source code. It is not possible to download and install such perspectives/plugins/modules (provided by SAP) into Eclipse.
There are errors displayed while integrating the Eclipse IDE and SAP NWDI (NetWeaver Development Infrastructure).
The user observes errors during the procedure of moving perspectives/plugins/modules from NWDS into Eclipse IDE.
NWDS (NetWeaver Developer Studio)
NWDI (NetWeaver Development Infrastructure)
Eclipse, IDE, NWDS, NWDI, SAP JAVA, import, export, edit, source, code, integrate, development, configuration, module, plugin, perspective, Developer Studio , KBA , BC-DWB-JAV-COR , Core Frameworks , BC-DWB-JAV-DII , Development Infrastructure Integration , How To
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