SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2695184 - Hire Wizard: Error when trying to open Hire Wizards: errorId=null, timestamp=null, errorMessage=Cannot read property 'metadata' of undefined, errorName=TypeError


You encounter an error message similar or the same as the below, when trying to open any of the Hire wizards -:



  • errorId=null, timestamp=null, errorMessage=e.fieldGroups[0] is undefined, errorName=TypeError, server=50ps4bcf60t, versionInfo=Release%3A%20b1808.20180913234321%0A%20%20%20%20Server%3A%2050ps4bcf60t%0A%20%20%20%20Timestamp%3A%202018-09-18T04%3A57%3A12.864-0400




  • errorId=null, timestamp=null, errorMessage=Cannot read property 'metadata' of undefined, errorName=TypeError, server=80sc2bcf01t, versionInfo=Release%3A%20b1805.20180607124041%0A%20%20%20%20Server%3A%2080sc2bcf01t%0A%20%20%20%20Timestamp%3A%202018-06-13T12%3A08%3A11.635%2B0200



Internet Explorer

  • errorId=null, timestamp=null, errorMessage=Cannot read property 'metadata' of undefined, errorName=TypeError, server=50ps4bcf60t, versionInfo=Release%3A%20b1808.20180913234321%0A%20%20%20%20Server%3A%2050ps4bcf60t%0A%20%20%20%20Timestamp%3A%202018-09-18T04%3A56%3A47.881-0400



  • Employee Central (EC)
  • People Profile (PP3)

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Admin Center > Add New Employee wizard
  2. You will get the error when the 1st Hire wizard page is initializing.

The same will occur from any of the Hire wizards (Manage Pending Hires / Rehire Inactive Employee).


Configuration Issue. All of the fields required by the system in one or more of the blocks on the initial page of the Hire Wizard are disabled (visibility="none") and there are onInit rules that refer to these fields.

For example, all of the fields used in the "Name Information" section are set to visibility="none" (First Name, Middle Name, Last Name, Business First Name, Business Last Name, Salutation, Display Name, Language Script).



Correct the configuration. Please ensure that at least 1 field is configured for each section/block. Ideally there are many fields in each section/block that should never be disabled (for example, first-name and last-name fields should never be disabled in personalInfo HRIS Element).


Post Release Issues:

In the extremely rare scenario where this issue occurred after a release, please do engage with Product Support. Product Support will need to know the Company ID of your DEV/QA system also, so they can review the configuration there and correct the configuration in the imapcted instance.

Once at least 1 field is enabled in each section, this error should stop occurring.


errorMessage=e.fieldGroups[0] is undefined, errorMessage=Cannot read property 'metadata' of undefined, add new employee, hire wizard, manage pending hires, rehire inactive employee, ec, bcui, sdm xml, , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-HIR , Hire & Rehire Wizards , LOD-SF-EC-INT , Manage Pending Hires (Integration RCM/ ONB/ OBX + UI) , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions