Data Services batch job with an SAP BW Open Hub source fails occasionally with one the following error:
There is no response for the web service <DISCOVER_RFCSRV>.Ensure that the network, web server, and service are running properly. Also ensure that the service client call time out is set properly
Following resolution in kba "2359229 - Error: "There is no response for the web service <DISCOVER_RFCSRV>" when execute jobs reading from BW openhub temporarily" resolves issue
After some time AL_MACHINE_INFO is repopulated with an invalid host name and the job fails again.
SAP Data Services 4.2
SAP BW Open Hub
SAP Data Services 4.2
BODS, BODI, RFC, SAPDS, process chain, incorrect, wrong, bad, false, old, changed, updated , KBA , EIM-DS-SAP , SAP Interfaces , Problem
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