- A stored procedure failed while executing an ASE coordinated transaction (ASTC) involving a proxy table with a source table on a remote server.
ASE raised errors 8013 and 5631 and the process then terminated with an Infected with Signal 11 error at omni_killconnection.
Msg 5631, Level 16, State 13:
Server '<servername>, Procedure '<proc1>', Line 400:
Adaptive Server Internal Error. New transactional connection to server
'<servername>' is being passed while there is an existing transactional
connection to the same server in the same transaction. Aborting the distributed
transaction. Transaction key '00ca4832000d000095e7d406000c.
Command has been aborted.
Msg 8013, Level 16, State 15:
Server '<servername>', Procedure '<proc2>', Line 1059:
A CT-Lib operation failed during a native RPC.
ASE is terminating this process.
- Just before the stacktrace there was a failed close on the connection
server CT_CLOSE: connection 11113d3b0 is being managed by ASTC; not closing
server usctclose(CS_FORCE_CLOSE) returns CS_FAIL
kernel Current process (0x86500dd) infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)
kernel Address 0x00000001017564e0 omni_killconnection siginfo (code, address) = (51, 0x00000000000000b8)
kernel p3stat = 0x10800 p4stat = 0x0 p5stat = 0x8 p6stat = 0x11 p7stat = 0x10000
kernel lasterror = 8013 preverror = 0 transtate = 2
curcmd = 300 program = isql
kernel pc: 0x00000001017564e0 omni_killconnection
kernel pc: 0x00000001009b68a8 dso_killconnection@AF128_99
kernel pc: 0x000000010174820c astc__disconnect
kernel pc: 0x0000000101743eb8 astc__process_participants
kernel pc: 0x00000001019e46a8 astc_end_dtx.fdpr.chunk.2
kernel pc: 0x00000001006c7d00 xact__rollbackxact
kernel pc: 0x00000001006c7918 xact__rollback_local
kernel pc: 0x00000001006c785c xact_rollback
kernel pc: 0x0000000100612acc execproc
Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 15.7 SP134
KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Problem
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