You are using a valid Access Restriction based on Territory and Account but the logon user cannot see Appointments with the correct Territory and Account.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Prerequisite: a valid Account based Access Restriction, e.g. 1016 with Restriction Rule 10 for the Business Role of the logon user. Further, an Appointment XYZ (XYZ is the Appointment name) with the corresponding territory and account for the logon user.
Go to the Activities workcenter.
- Go to the Appointments view.
Result: You don't have access to Appointment XYZ despite the correct restriction. Further, you see the information message 'No authorization granted based on account’s access (limit of 1.000 exceeded)'.
The user is directly or indirectly responsible for more than 1000 accounts; there is a hardcoded limit in the system of 1000 to optimize performance. Once this limit is reached, restriction rules cannot be calculated.
If the number of account assignments per user is exceeded, the system will grant no access at all for that user. The work lists for the transaction will be empty. If the user exceeds the assignment via territory team or account team of 1000 customers, you need to find a different approach to grant access for business documents.
This rule only works if the user is directly/indirectly responsible for less than 1000 accounts. This is the designed system behavior.
See Also
access restriction, appointment, account, territory, employee , KBA , LOD-CRM-ACT , Activities , LOD-CRM-ACC , Account , How To